It's said to be one of the worlds best and famous dive sites: Fishhead, a thila (a reef inside an Atoll which reaches up to a depth of about 10 meters) in the North Ari Atoll. So let's go - we want to see all the fish and grey reef sharks which are supposed to live here. Of course it is always a bit crowded on famous diving spots since everybody wants to dive there. Nevertheless we try to at least be alone below the surface and only jump into the water after the other divers come back up.
The currents here can be pretty strong, but if you jump in in the middle of the thila and go down fast it usually is not a problem. First we encounter a group of big surgeon fish (Acanthuridae) which swim all around us. You should take care not to move the arms too much because you might get cut by there tails – hence the name surgeon fish. Down at the top of the Thila it's really colorful. Masses of redtooth triggerfish (Odonus niger) are all around and big swarms of yellowstripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira) and even bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes) are standing in the current. While hanging on a reef hook because of the strong current we can watch a group of jobfish (Aprion virescens – belonging to snappers) which are trying to catch one of the smaller swarm fish. A spottet eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) is floating along the reef in the blue water. When we continue our dive there are two big golden trevallys (Gnathanodon speciosus) circling us and finally the first gray reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) appear next to us. They are impressive and swim pretty close. Unfortunately the water is very murky and we only see them as long as they swim very close. Most of the time we don't see them which shows us how limited our sensory perception under water really is. They can surely perceive us clearly, but we only get an idea. Allegedly they sometimes even let themselves get cleaned by cleaning fish here on this dive spot while you can take good pictures of them. We were not so lucky but it was a great experience anyway. Before we get back to the surface we can watch a group of batfish (Platax teira) and one of them apparently feels threatened by us and comes very close. And during our ascend Sonja almost has a collision with a hawksbill sea turtle – Eretmochelys imbricata – which at the same time dives towards the coral reef. This sea turtle seems to stay there quite often because we have seen her around during all our dives. It is really an impressive diving spot true to it's name. We will be back!